What We Do
The Last Stop Donkey Program was started in October 2021. Here in the Hunter Valley we have a huge problem with wild dogs attacking livestock and Donkeys are notorious for being excellent stock guardians but hard to come across. However in QLD & NT donkeys are considered a pest as they damage the natural environment and compete with livestock for resources. So we thought why not help both parties out and get the donkeys from the areas where they are pest and bring them to the areas where they are so badly needed.
In partnership with St Cath’s Singleton and their wonderful Ag Teacher Mrs Joanna Towers a plan was put in place for the donkeys to enter into a 12 week course with the Year 9 Ag class piloting this program. The students were paired up and selected a donkey that they were going to work with. Over the 12 weeks the Donkeys were introduced to many new tasks with the end result being that the donkey could be caught in a paddock, led to the yards, be tied up and pick all of their feet up. This then enabled us to be able to offer the donkey’s up for sale.
Donkey Training DayS
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Our Program
We currently have 12 donkeys being put through their paces by 28 Year 9 Ag students at St Catherines. Many of these students have no experience with donkeys and so it is both animals and humans teaching each other.
At the end of the program our donkeys will be able to be caught, taught to lead and tie up and pick up each foot. This is an important part of the program as the donkeys will require foot trimming as part of their ongoing care.
It is our hope that, once our donkeys graduate, some will go to homes that are currently having issues with wild dogs and suffering stock losses at lambing and calving time, and others will be sold as much loved pets.
During the program, we will be keeping video diaries of each donkey and handler’s journey and the progress they are making.